
Sunday, March 29, 2009

When a little kindness and some prayers can go a long way

New home for a little one

Last Monday, I helped a one-year old white female rabbit get adopted. The white rabbit was staying in at my vet while waiting to get adopted. I see her all the time when I visit Kyle.

During a lunch time conversation with Binky, I mentioned in passing that the cuddly creature needs a new home. It turned out that she was interested. I called my vet and facilitated the visit and pick-up.

It's a very small thing that I did, but I'm happy that I helped get a new and safe home for the white rabbit.

Last Friday, Binky even showed me the photos she took of where the rabbit is now staying. She has her own "condo," with small stairs, so to speak.

Unscrupulous pet sellers

Speaking of pets, I am researching about recovery and care for kittens with the same condition as Kyle's - post-prolapse treatment and megacolon care - so that I can ensure that my family can take special care of him.

While doing so, I also searched for Persian and Himalayan kittens for sale. Kyle will have to stay with my Mom now because of the special attention that he needs and I badly want a cat's company in my apartment. I also figured that when Kyle gets better, it may be healthier to have 2 cats at home.

I got incensed with some of the search results I got. Some sellers of kittens and even adult cats have not inoculated the pets they’re selling! There were 7-month old kittens that have not received any deworming or shots of any kind. Some of them even have ear mites.


I’m so angry at these unscrupulous sellers. I urge you not to buy from them.

And never from pet shops, too – especially BioResearch!


I also checked out PAWS and CARA Welfare Philippines. I want to donate my spare cat food to them for the cats in their shelter.

They also help in facilitating adoption to cats and dogs.

For those who want to provide a safe and loving home to these pets, you might want to check them out. If you can’t – you might choose to volunteer.

I’m considering volunteering in very little ways since I have very little time. That’s why I’m also strongly considering CARA since it’s nearer my area.

More news on Kyle

Kyle was rushed back to the vet hospital on Wednesday morning. Contrary to the expected complication of being incontinent and for his bowel movement to be uncontrolled and messy 24/7, he is now suffering from megacolon – an enlargement of the colon and failure to remove stool by himself.

The entire process is excruciating. I have not slept properly the entire week. My family is affected. R. is affected.

I just want Kyle to have the best care possible. I hope that he will be able to recover and heal himself. If he needs special care and treatment – I will not love him less. I just don’t want him to suffer.

Although I am emotionally suffering from this and my heart breaks whenever I see him in pain, I will not do anything differently. Had he been sold to another owner who might not be this patient and who might not have means for his medical treatment, he might not have lasted this long.

So friends, please pray for Kyle – the little creature who changed my life.