
Friday, February 28, 2003


It’s Friday once again. Time is so fast when you have so much to do. It’s so unfair – time is so slow when you’re trying to kill it, and too fast when you’re trying to cease a particular moment and relish it.

This is a rundown of what transpired this whole week:

Falling out

Last Saturday, I had a falling out with The Temptress. I couldn’t take the nagging, the clinginess and the incessant need to explain where I am, what I’m doing, why I didn’t text, blah blah blah.

Friendship is not effortless, but at the same time, friendship is not about imposing and demanding and being there 24/7!

I need space. I need to breathe. I am claustrophobic.

I didn’t want to leave the friendship but it was the next best thing. To be noble, I had to make her feel that she left me, and not the other way around.

I lost a friend.

Oh well.

Now I have to worry about how to return her piles and piles of books, DVDs, mp3 player and laptop.

Trust and faith

I have trust…

… that The Buddy knows he deserves better.
… that he won’t settle for what’s just available and accessible.
… that he is honest with me with how he really feels about a lot of things.

I have faith…

… in our friendship.
… in him.
… that he is who he is, who I have known him to be.

Hypocritical, satirical

I don’t know how I can stand an uptight atmosphere – people pretending that there is nothing wrong with the status quo. We frown on politics. We do not encourage it.

Yeah right.