
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Live, breathe Web

I live and breathe Web. 

Take this from me and it's like shooting me in the head. 

I'm not alone feeling this way. All my kids are digital experts. Taking the online space away from them is like removing oxygen.  

It's great to be back in the game.

That's how it is for people who eat and drink web sites for breakfast.

One milestone per day, April. One milestone per day.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Enter the Dragon: New Year, New Beginnings

The Year of the Dragon has begun. For the Fire Snake, this year is supposed to be average yet transformational. Now, I don't really know what to make of that. How can something be average and transformational at the same time? 

At any rate - earth luck, man luck or heaven luck - life is what we make of it. It's how we make the most of it. 

True enough, this year is transformational for me. 

For the first time in my life, I am planning for something that's in an unfamiliar terrain. For the first time in my ENTIRE lifetime, I'm not planning for my career. It's a little bit disconcerting for me. It's frightening. For an impeccable planner like me who has everything covered from Plan A to D, fixating on just one option and one direction is something very new.

I'm mortified but excited at the same time. What is unknown is something that scares the hell out of me --- but the risks far outweigh all my reservations. 

So Dragon, being the Snake's celestial housemate, may you bring me good fortune and great positive transformations in the year ahead!