
Monday, August 07, 2006

Back to Basics

My life is back to normal – almost.

After months and months of preparation for the certification exam and my incessant partying to relieve stress, for the first time in a long time, I spent my weekend NOT worrying about how to pass the test and get certified.

I actually found myself surprised – wow – I’ve got nothing much to do!

Truthfully, with all the pressure at work and in school (yes, I’ve totally taken my Masters for granted), the short trip to China and Hong Kong (which I didn’t even write about here. Busy!) and all the emotional roller coaster ride I am still currently going through, I don’t think things will ever go back to where they were.

Fact of life --- every single moment we spend changes the way we are, who we are – even who we would like to be in the future. I just hope I don’t change that much to not recognize myself in the mirror anymore. Change is good, for as long as it is so because of our quest for higher truth and our core principles are followed.

Now that the roller coaster has slowed down just a bit, I realized, I miss and have missed out on a lot of things:

  1. Long Sunday brunches with Doji
  2. Reading fashion magazines or sensible books in a café by myself
  3. Coffee with my Speed Dials – Ian and Celia
  4. Even Margarita Wednesdays with Gemma
  5. Conversations with my Grandmother – Nanay can only utter syllables after her stroke
  6. Movies and dinner with my Mom
  7. Shopping with my Sister – I really hope she goes home soon
  8. Laughing out loud
  9. The true and sincere affection of a dedicated love
  10. Not feeling hurt and broken

Amidst the alcohol, the partying and the loud music that have been my regular recluse for how many Fridays now, it’s really the simplest of things that have the most profound effect, the deepest dent in my life.

And I wouldn’t mind going back.