
Friday, October 17, 2003

26 feeling 20

Today, I am turning 26 years old.

When I was 19, I got depressed on the eve of my 20th birthday because I felt so old. Yikes!

No, I did not have that thing they called quarterlife crisis and I hope I am not speaking too soon. I still believe we experience all kinds of crises everyday so quarterlife crisis is such a misnomer.

Comparing my life last year until now, I can say I am a lot happier. I have managed to get my own apartment, be on my own and appreciate solitude.

I am less pressured about marriage since The Boyfriend needs to go to Syndey first before we even think about that. But I am glad, too, that I find recluse in him and we are more grounded, more stable and peaceful, yet extremely contented and happy that we are together.

A lot of things happened to me this year. I moved out, changed jobs, met new people, said goodbye to good, close friends. Yet I didn't lose myself. In fact, I think I know myself better now.

Funny, they say people get more jaded when they grow older. How come I am more hopeful and optimistic?

The most important thing is that I am happy. I feel blessed and grateful because I have true friends who are with me who make this nowhere-near-perfect life wonderful.

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