
Saturday, February 07, 2004

Today's learnings

1. Bring retainer kit so retainer won't get lost. Yes, I lost it again for the second time - all in a month's time. Darn!

2. When you can't say anything good, just shut the hell up.

3. Sometimes, there are things that will NEVER have closure. You just have to close it yourself. Let things be.

4. When you despise someone, you don't even have to concoct evil plans in your convoluted mind. Fate has its own way of balancing things out. Pare, what goes around comes around.

5. It's possible to hate and like someone at the same time.

6. In the same manner, it is possible to love someone you don't even like.

7. You don't have to go the extra mile to prove to someone you are nice. If you really are, people would know, they would notice.

8. Sometimes we try too hard to be nice to people who don't even matter and take those who are really significant to us for granted.

9. Lesbian politics is something that chauvinistic men will NEVER understand. There's no use explaining or justifying it.

Happy weekend, shiny happy people!

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