
Saturday, June 26, 2004

Weekend Top 3

Top 3 thoughts in my head right now
1. My alleged promotion and movement to another business unit and how this is so freaking me out right now.
2. If this is still all worth it - The Boyfriend and I. I am losing the incentive to try to make things work.
3. It is possible to find a platonic, yet very strong connection to someone you barely know and bare your soul to the person.

3 predominant emotions as of this moment
1. Angry.
2. Excited.
3. Scared.

3 most influential men in my life
1. My boss - the CEO. He is such an inspiration. I feel lucky to have a mentor like him.
2. The Bad Boy - he makes me see friendship in a fresh light. Made me realize that I should give some people the benefit of the doubt without having to remove all cynicism and skepticism altogether.
3. The Archer - he made me realize a lot of things about myself. That I am still capable of a drastic paradigm shift. That I am tougher than I thought I was. That I can be REALLY evil.

3 most influential women in my life
1. Mom.
2. Grandmom.
3. My boss-to-be, the GM.

These 3 women have a lot of common denominators.

3 major realizations
1. Real friends will give it to you - tell you what you did wrong and what is fucked up with you. They will tell you in-your-face if they really are your friends. Consequently, that I don't consider those who can't as friends after all.
2. That in life, sometimes it is better not to quit. That you have to deal with the hand that you've been given, the cards that you've been dealt with.
3. That I still care about what other people think about me. That despite that I-don't-give-a-rat's-ass attitude, I can still be bothered by presumptions and mis/conceptions about me. BUT: that at the end of the day, the only opinions that matter most are those from people I truly care about. The rest of them can all go to hell for all I care (sorry I had to let that one out).

Top 3 things I thought I couldn't put up with but did
1. Player friends who are honest with me about their escapades.
2. Acceptance of the idea that yes, sometimes sex is just sex. It can happen even with the absence of emotional attachment.
3. Bosses who throw a fit and throw their weight around.

Top 3 dealbreakers
1. Dishonesty
2. Taking things for granted
3. Emotional unavailability

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