
Monday, April 17, 2006

Holy Friday Thought Bubbles

Before the Holy Week started, I told myself I wanted some time out.

Time out from my hectic work schedule, running to and from dinners and margaritas with friends. Don’t mean to sound ungrateful. I have a great job and several sets of loyal cliques.

I just feel that the hustle and bustle has been catching up on me – working 15 hours a day, making my final video production, spending time with B. and touching base with my battalion of friends.

24 hours just isn’t enough. And 5 hours of sleep on the average won’t cut it for me for a long time.

Read: I wanted to zone out for a couple of days.

Just whiling away time watching videos. Sipping Two Oceans. Writing, writing, writing. No text messages from work. No phone calls.

How many times have I told myself this: be careful what you wish for. ‘Might just be given to you.

Yesterday, before driving B. to the airport to go back to Hong Kong, I was fishing through my summer bag to get my PDA phone. I couldn’t find it.

To cut the long, dizzying, panic-stricken story short, I lost my mobile phone somewhere while traversing ACA Video, my parking area and NAIA.

Since the malls are closed, I could only call our customer service to have my line disconnected. I need to wait until Saturday to get my new sim at Park Square.

So I am left with my old yet reliable Nokia 6600 and a borrowed prepaid sim.

It was a good thing that I have 3 backup mobile phones in the apartment – the perks of working for a telco. Although not as fancy and as techie as my PDA phone, the 6600 and the Samsung toy phone will work fine in the meantime.

I actually sound very collected now. But I was very upset yesterday, especially when I called my mobile and someone dropped my call. After a few more calls, my phone was already off.

Wow – talk about stealing on a Holy Thursday.

It’s not the phone I’m so lamenting about. I stored all of B.’s messages from day 1. My passwords everywhere are stored in there; my memo book is full of notes from my meetings.

Darn. Whoever got my PDA phone – he can probably sell that for several thousand bucks – which he can quickly spend as quickly as he got the easy money.

As for me, I rejoice in the fact that everything (except for the mushy SMS) is hopefully stored in my Outlook. And since Bea felt awfully guilty about rushing me to the airport so we didn’t even bother check our things, she promised to replace my old Treo 600 with a new HP Ipaq PDA phone of my choice.

Talk about the silver lining in the cloud.

That is equal to a new shiny, silver HP Ipaq.

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