
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Blast from the past

This is really weird.

Right smack in the middle of a hectic Tuesday, I got a YM message from the Bad Boy high school ex-boyfriend of more than a decade ago.

Bad Boy Ex is asking me for help.

Yes. Me. For help.

Of all people.

He needs me to bail him out of a financial mess.

We became friends several years after I forgave him when he cheated on me and got our high school bus mate preggers. Yes, this was in high school. When I was still in Manila, I was usually his 911.

He got me to open the door for him during drunken nights. He got me to be the oh-so cliche' shoulder to cry on. I even brought him home at 5 in the morning when he didn't want to go home to his family. Yes - I was his voice of reason and conscience. At least I tried to be. I guess, I was being messianic, despite what he did to me.

I was the "in case of emergency" at some point in his life.

But he never asked me for financial help.

I know I am THE last person he will run to. So if he is running to me now, it means he's really desperate.

Pop quiz: Do you extend a bit of financial help to an ex-Bad Boy flame who claims he wants to change for the better?

Grain of salt, grain of salt.

After all these years, though, I'm keeping the faith that some day, one day, he will come around. For his own sake. And his 3 daughters'.


  1. Errr, the answer to that question is a resounding "no". Naman beb!


    p.s. loooooooooooove that the blog's baaaack! :D

  2. amen to that len! NO to the highest level hehehe!
    oh and yes, sooo glad the blog is back!

  3. Ahahahahaha!

    You know what - my Mom actually has a different take on it.

    But foyn, foyn, foyn.

    Parang ang yaman ko para utangan, da bah? Hahaha!


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