
Friday, April 15, 2011

Random Friday musings

1. This morning, God just reminded me how lucky I am. I have everything I need...and more.

2. You can't stop the star from shining.

3. "I can conquer the world in one hand, for as long as you hold the other."

4. Grateful...again for the hidden gems in my team. I am so proud of all of you!

5. I can't wait to take a break in Phuket, Thailand next week!

6. It's a good thing that I realized earlier on what the more important things in life are.

7. In anyone's death bed, nobody wished to have spent more time in the office. Nobody remembered last year's targets or KPIs.

8. But people remembered friendships. Relationships. How and when you extended a helping hand.

9. 4 years gone, and I still remember you very fondly and vividly. I love you, Nanay. Always watch over me and the entire family.

10. 8 months. Must projectize and focus!

Have a great weekend, everyone!!!

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