
Tuesday, June 04, 2002

The best things in life are free...not!

Although I refuse to believe that money makes the world go round, sometimes this maxim, no matter how utilitarian or superficial it is, holds true in a lot of instances.

For one thing, in order to afford the best schools, you would need to shell out a hell lot of money. Well, of course if you''ve got the brains, you can always go to UP. Ahem! However, if you want to go to AIM or get that US-based course, you would, at the very least, need a minimum of ten thousand dollars as education bond. What's up with that?

My friends and I have been going bonkers on how to budget our salaries to afford going to school, to the gym, pay off our credit card debts, spend for our monthly cost of living, yada-yada-yada.

Although most of us (including me), would argue that we need higher pay, I'm also inclined to believe that it's not how much we earn, but how much discipline we've got to save at least 10% of our monthly salaries and stash in our piggy banks. Heck, some people only get 8 kiao a month but they've got a fatter savings account than I do.

Now I'd have to find that discipline to save some of my income and avoid shopping for stuff that always end up at the bottom of my closet.

Hmm.. perhaps I misplaced discipline somewhere in the stash of my shoes and bags.

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