
Friday, February 27, 2004

Dark, dirty, sexual thoughts

This afternoon, I spoke to The Buddy. Thus, this blog.

We talked about sex.

Getting laid.

Sleeping with someone.

Your usual garden variety of exchanging bodily fluids.

It was actually more of an intellectual discourse about the difference between men and women in terms of having sex.

As I was telling him, men can get away with sleeping with women without emotional attachment. Although some women can already get away with it -- having sex like men -- sans the emotional hoolabaloo, most women still go to bed with emotional baggages.

We ended up rationalizing the cliche' "Men give love to get sex, while women give sex to get love."

I think it still comes from our double-standard - that it's okay for men to philander and that women should restrain themselves from their sexual urges.

Being hailed from a conservative exclusive Catholic school, I was even taught that making out is evil, that we will go to hell if we do.


Believe me, I went through self-righteous, hypocritical sermons like that in high school.

This must be the reason why I rejoiced when Sex and the City was born - where women can say blow-jobs and cunnilingus out loud.

It's not that I advocate sleeping around. In fact, I don't. But I'd be lying if I say I've never toyed with the idea of sleeping with someone just because I want to.

And I want to break free of the double-standard.

Men are being men if they sleep around.

Women who do are whores and sluts.

Pare-pareho lang tayong tao.

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