
Friday, January 10, 2003

Men and women friends

My best friend is a guy. [Gasp!]

Despite my penchant for lambasting men [disclaimer: not the entire male species], I have been friends with him for more than a decade now. We saw each other through the emotional roller coasters of life.

Most of the friends I hang out with are a mix breed of men and women. But more often than not, I hit it off with the guys.

I have a theory why I get along well with male friends.

[No offense to very good female friends.]

Women were brought up in a culture that condones double standards. The same culture reinforces the miseducation of women. In the early stages of life, women were educated and trained to compete with each other. The goal was to marry well, bear children and have a good happy family life.

Now that women have pervaded almost all kinds of profession, they are still programmed to be that way – to compete with each other. For success? No. For men. To get the best man they could ever find for themselves.

The recent psychological book that The Temptress lent me expressed glibly what I was thinking the whole time: Women tend to measure who they are and their rate of success based on the partner they have chosen to be with.

Most feminists would disagree with it, but a lot of women have this tendency to gauge their self-esteem based on who their chosen partner is. The male partner is considered the reflection of the woman’s prowess to get an ideal mate.

Such is the same reason why some women friends tend to get jealous of each other, as they are pre-programmed to compete with each other for a man’s attention.

Do men always have to be the bottomline?

This is perhaps one of the reasons why I had a guy bestfriend.

If I would have an iota of girl-envy in my body, it would be around 10%. I couldn’t say I am rid of it. It would be a lie. But most women would have more than 70%.

I guess the reason for this minimal girl-envy would be my demented perception of women, not as competitors, but as prospects as well.


Enough said.

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