
Thursday, August 05, 2004

Post-sabbatical notes

More than a month of not blogging.

It seemed like a longer time for me. I got used to this blog as my sounding board whenever I wanted to rant about something. But things have been very busy for the past month. I barely had time to breathe, what more to write.

So what just happened?

1. I got promoted. Higher post, higher pay. But work is thrice as hard. I work 12-15 hours a day on the average. My skin breakout will atest to that.

2. I dropped out of school. Surprised? Yep, I did. It's suicide not to give something up, what with my new schedule. I haven't formally submitted my dropping papers and I am still toying with the idea of keeping my thesis subject, if it's not yet too late.

3. I hired another former ABSi officemate. I think I've mastered the art of luring my brilliant and talented former officemates into joining me into my current company. But I'm really very glad Yasmine is with me now.

4. The Archer left. We had a last hoorah gig 3 weeks before he left. It was a validation of what I already know. He was a mere infatuation I am now very over with.

Life is pretty much the same. Only, it gets harder and harder each new day.

Though I think I'm nearing the realization of my personal legend, it's also making me realize the higher price I have to pay for it. It's like fate telling me - you want more, then you have to give more. Worse, you just might have to give all.

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