
Monday, October 10, 2005

MBA - Modified Behavior Without Awareness

My officemates would hear me grunt and complain about B's incessant phone calls.

Romy calls us Sun Cellular - 24/7, unlimited on the phone.

But she's in New York right now.

And we're 12 hours away from each other.

She's asleep, as I work. She starts her day, as I end mine.

Gawd, I miss her. Like crazy.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Thailand. Sawasdee!

'Been to Thailand with B for 5 days last week.

Fab! Fab! Fab!

It was a mix-mo of fun, fights and bloopers. And awesome food that made me forget the word "diet."

And got a wonderful tan, too!

Pictures to be posted on the next blog.

Welcome, Zara!

No, not the Spanish brand of clothes.

I meant Zara, my new tango red Honda City 2005 car! Woohoo!

She was delivered to me last Friday. She's just soooo pretty!

Romy went with me to pick her up in the parking lot. She's so gandaaaa!!!

She's got 6 speakers, too. Fab, booming bass. My hip-hop CD collection got resurrected.

Romy gave me glass plates for my plate cards. His birthday gift. Salamat, Direk!

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Long-lost old friend

Migs is an old friend from college.

Last week, my office landline rang. It was him. Asking me if it was really me. Well, duh!?!?

Turns out that we are in the same building. And yes, we are working for the same company.

He reminded me of who he was. For the first few minutes, he didn't ring a bell.

Then, he went like, "Migs, as in with eyeglasses. Masscomm. We used to hang out."

Then it occurred to me. Damn! He was that nerdy guy I used to hang out with at the Music Hall! I used to have this little crush on him. Yep, had a penchant for nerdies/dorkies but cute guys that time.

We had coffee this afternoon. He's married now. So I had the surprise of my day when he blurted out he used to have this big crush on me even before we got intro'ed in our journalism class. He used to see me walking and hanging out with my snooty college friends.

'Said he was trying to find me all these years. He lost my mobile number, I moved out. The rest is history. Maybe he's pulling my leg. Maybe he's not. I've always known him as a nice, sincere guy.

Oh, well. Another case of "too late the hero." Some people are meant to be just that: college crushes.

I neither feel bad nor sorry about it. If we dated, he would have been another casualty. And I am happy where I am. Spell HITCHED.

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