
Friday, May 25, 2012

The ever so familiar goodbye: of transitioning and packing my bags, yet again

Deja vu. I'm packing my stuff in the office and it is my official last day.
My thought bubble whilst I'm pounding my keyboard: been there, been that.  

Same time 2 years ago, I was leaving a great team behind and relocating to an uncharted territory (at least in my book). 

Fast forward to today --- I am in the same situation, only with different people. 

I'd like to think that I've been immune for moving quite so often. I've changed and searched for apartments 4 times already, packed my stuff and flew out - not once, but twice.

Perhaps others think it's the usual run-of-the-mill for me already, that I get used to the crying and the sad goodbyes. 

I wish I am.

You never get used to saying goodbye --- especially to people you have learned to care for and love. Cliche', but it's like adding insult to injury because you get to relive that sad moment all over again. 

Of goodbyes and moving on... I like doing the latter but I wish I can forego the first part. I do have trouble saying goodbye because it's hard to let go of people who made a dent. 

But then again --- there are really no permanent endings. The people who cried for me 2 years ago when I left- who also got it caught on video for my send-off party -  must be smacking themselves silly right now since I'm coming back to them. Harharhar. 

At any rate, it is definitely inescapable. I am moving on and transitioning all over again, in the hopes that I am fulfilling my destiny and my purpose. 

But to the team that I will leave behind: my heart goes out to them. I do hope that the future holds another opportunity for us to work together or spend time. 

I had fun and I had a great time. 

But for now... off to packing my bags.

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