
Monday, December 31, 2012

2012, In Retrospect

According to Feng Shui, Snake-born people were not supposed to be lucky in 2012. Career was supposed to be on the down-low, money luck will be subsiding and lethargy will get in the way of big projects.

On the contrary, I HAD FUN IN 2012! I had a blast!!!

True, true --- things were not perfect. The year carried with it some glitches, but I must say that I pulled through with grace.

I cannot count one by one all the blessings that I received. That’s how much generosity I got from the heavens --- there’s way too many to count!

I returned to the Philippines with a better and brighter career. I am definitely happier and more fulfilled in my not-so-new workplace. I was scared of my comeback since I was filling up BIG shoes, but I did prove the weight that I can carry and the contributions that I can bring in.

I have so many windfalls to be thankful for, too! Money was supposed to be dry but the Universe was just way too generous. I’m not swimming in money, so to speak, but I can say that I have more than enough. For myself, for my family and for what I can share to others.

I lost my one great love, but I’m thankful that in this lifetime, I can say that I was able to experience and find it. At the same time, I’m even more blessed and more grateful to find a new love, a second chance to fall in love again with a great guy who adores me.

2012 had so much to offer. I’d like to believe that there’s both heaven and earth luck, but I probably tided over the trials and tribulations of the year because of my perseverance and persistence aka bonggang-bonggang kakulitan, hard work, strength, courage and resilience aka kakanta ng “I will survive.”

Most of all, it was my faith in God that held my hand. I knew I can make it because of my faith. My darkest hours became my finest moments because He was there --- the entire time. JC, I cannot thank you enough for embracing me in your grace.

So to all the survivors and to all the blessed, cheers to a spectacular and blessed 2013!!!

I’m looking forward to another great year ahead!

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