
Friday, June 27, 2003

The Buddy and SARS

The Buddy flew in last Sunday. He's going to be here in Manila until August or September, again, depending on his whims.

We had dinner and spent some time together last Monday. The morning after that, I had a slight fever. Knowing that he had a stopover in Taipei, I immediately called him to check if he feels well, if he doesn't have fever and cough.

Yes, he was fine.


At 3:00am on Wednesday, however, I got a text message from him informing me that he has a cough. As paranoid as I am about SARS, I panicked and rang his mobile.

I told him to stay home and get enough rest.

Damn - I really feel like stangling him right now. Despite the warnings from his dad and mom not to fly through China Airlines, he still did. I also advised him to stay home for a while.

Kuripot kasi - tinipid pa ang $300.

He has 5 more days before he can be declared SARS-free. We spoke this morning and he said he was feeling better.

Again, I was relieved.

Anyways, welcome home, Buddy. Cheers to more gigs together.

I just hope he feels better before the Formula One gig in National Sports Grill.

Take me there, I wanna go there

Now that my schedule is pretty much flexible, I am toying with the idea of going to Indonesia and Singapore next week. I'll tag along with some girlfriends, or even Celiah, who work there.

Right now, I just want to breathe and get away from it all.

On the other hand, The Buddy is more inclined to take a few days off in Bangkok. He said he can get us a $265 trip.

Hmmmm... sounds very enticing.

Let's see who else we can brainwash to go with us.

In the meantime, I am daydreaming of a grand holiday in the middle of work. I think we should check out the red light district in Phat Pong.

Now that would be very interesting!

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